LIBERTY RACING 2023 Australia

Facts about the syndicate


  • Founder: LIBERTY RACING Management UG

  • Term: 1.8.2023 to 31.12.2026

  • Shares: 13 at 40,000 euros each

  • Number of horses: 2 stallions purchased at the BBAG yearling auction

  • Selection criteria: proven stallions (proven sire). Focus on the classic potential of the horses for the Derby and for Australia. Selection as in previous years (IT programs, inspection at stud and auction, selection team of 5 people must say yes to each purchase).

  • Sales/dissolution: After the 2025 Derby, sale or transportation to Australia to continue running there. If transported to Australia, sale at the end of 5 years (Australian age) in Australia. For transportation to Australia, the horses must be suitable for staying races in Australia and the majority of shareholders must vote in favor of transportation to Australia. If the prize money is not sufficient to cover the transportation costs, there will be an additional payment of up to €10,000 per shareholder until 30.07.2025. A precise interim settlement will be made there. The final settlement will take place on 31.12.2026. All proceeds and profits will be paid out to the shareholders after deduction of all costs (purchase, training, veterinarian, etc.).

The horses of LIBERTY RACING 2023 Australia

Would you like to become a part of LIBERTY RACING? Make sure you get a share!

If you are interested in one of our shares, please contact us. We will get back to you shortly and present our current shares to you.

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